Tuesday, January 14, 2020

yeah, they danced on Jacob's stairs

Today in the One Year Bible, we read some really cool stories. We read them in Genesis 28:1-29:35. In these stories, a man named Jacob falls in love with a girl named Rachel, and works for seven years so that her dad will let him marry her. Her dad is as tricky as Jacob himself (which he totally deserves), and Jacob ends up married to Rachel's sister instead. He then has to work another seven years to get the girl he originally wanted. Totally worth it.

But before all that, Jacob goes to sleep one night, with a rock for his pillow. He has a dream that there is a stairway to heaven, and angels were going up and down on it. Or, in the words of the amazing and incomparable Rich Mullins:

"Well, the moon moved past Nebraska,
and spilled laughter on them cold Dakota hills,
and angels danced on Jacob's stairs,
yeah they danced on Jacob's stair.
There is a silence in the badlands
and over Kansas the whole universe was stilled
by the whisper of a prayer
yeah, the whisper of a prayer."

And tonight, the same God of the universe, who sent Jacob that dream and that daughter, who whispered back to Rich Mullins when he whispered his prayers down in those badlands... that same God is listening to you. To your prayers. And He's sending His angels, down that staircase, because the whole universe is stilled once more when you whisper YOUR prayers.

What do you say to Him tonight?

God, thank You for hearing our whispers... and sending Your angels.

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