Monday, January 6, 2020

tower of ka-dingir

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Genesis 11:1-13:4. This is the story of the Tower of Babel.

It's interesting to read the etymology of the word "Babel", since that's where languages were scattered. Apparently it comes from Sanskrit, which gives us some clue what the first language was that everyone spoke before the languages were confused. "Ka-Dingir" means "confused medley of sounds" in Sumerian, and it's the word that our word "Babel" is translated from.

If you watch this (somewhat sensational) video, you see some ideas about what the tower looked like, as well as evidence that it really existed.

It's interesting to notice that the stated purpose to build the tower, besides fame (and pride), was to "keep from being scattered all over the earth." But God had other plans, and He DID scatter them all over the earth.

The same thing happened with the diaspora, and Jewish people ended up all over the world due to it. And then Jesus commanded the same thing to happen when He told His disciples to go into "all of the world" and make people His disciples.

God seems to enjoy sprinkling His people throughout the world. "Salt and light" we are called to be, making the world a better place. How are you doing that in your life today? God has put you in your part of the world. How are you going to light it up?

God, thanks for spreading us throughout the world. Help us be Your salt and light.