Monday, January 6, 2020

don't choose the best

Today we read from the One Year Bible in Genesis 13:5-15:21. Abram and Lot live in the same area, and their relatives. They both grow huge families (what a blessing!) and they need more room. So Abram saved the sitch by telling Lot to pick whatever part he wants, and Abram will take the other. He says it is to keep it from coming between them. Very wise. Lot chooses what he believes to be the better part, but it ends up being full of wicked people.

Does this remind you of the story where Jesus tells us not to take the best seat when we go to a dinner, but to take a lower seat, so that the host might honor us? But if you take the best, you might be embarrassed when the host asks you to move down when someone else arrives.

Two little sisters were looking at the last slice of chocolate cake one day. The first sister said, "You cut, and I'll pick." So the second sister cut the cake, but one piece was clearly bigger than the other. The first sister picked up the smaller piece and started eating it. "Why did you choose the little one?" asked the second sister. "Because I know how much you love cake."

Let's be like that first sister.

God, thanks for teaching us what love looks like.