Sunday, January 26, 2020

buried or cremated?

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10. Joseph has Jacob embalmed, preparing him for burial, and that takes 40 days in the Egyptian method.

Which brings to mind what we will want done with OUR bodies once we pass away. The church teaches that it's better to be buried than it is to be cremated, though cremation is permissible as long as the ashes are kept and not scattered. So maybe keep that in mind when you make your decisions. Physical burial is more consistent with the belief that we will be bodily resurrected one day.

How would you like YOUR body to be handled when the time comes? Donate organs? Any special requests at your funeral? I know that I personally want to be buried in jeans and a tshirt (and maybe my poncho from Mexico). What about you?

God, thanks for bringing our mortality to mind, and giving us the healthy ability to decide what we want done with our bodies when we're gone.