Wednesday, January 29, 2020

before it gets better

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Exodus 5:22-7:25. Moses is complaining (again) to God and asking why He sent him to try to rescue the Hebrews from Pharaoh, when all that seems to be happening is bad. Pharaoh is getting angrier and angrier, and the Hebrews are now mad at Moses for bringing more hardship on them.

But that reminds me of what's happening in the world today. Christians all over the world, but especially in China and Africa, are being slaughtered. Christian values regarding marriage, abortion, and sex trafficking are being attacked by those in the world. We KNOW that it will get better one day. God will win, Satan is already defeated, and those who follow Jesus will be rewarded in heaven, and those who rebel against Him will be cast into the darkness (I pray that all humans eventually follow Jesus instead.)

But until then, it will get worse (far worse) before it gets better. Let's trust God that He'll get us through the worst of it.

God, thanks for the light at the end of the tunnel.