Tuesday, December 10, 2019

the tree of life

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Revelation 2:1-17. John tells us something I don't remember reading before. He says that everyone "who is victorious" will be given fruit from the tree of life.

You might remember that in Genesis, Adam and Eve (who are considered saints and are in heaven, I just found out today) ate from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And because of this, they were prevented from eating from the tree of life, and kicked out of the garden where the tree was located.

But at the end of time, those of us who "are victorious" and "persevere until the end" will eat from that tree of life and live forever. I wonder if we will literally eat actual fruit from a literal tree. I wonder if it's a fruit that we would recognize, like an apple or orange. And I wonder what it will taste like.

But that's huge, right? One day, if we don't give up and throw away our relationship with God, we will eat from the tree of life. And live forever.

God, thanks for giving us this great gift to look forward to. Help us to hold strong and "be victorious".