Sunday, December 1, 2019

full of joy

Today in the One Year Bible, we return to my favorite Biblical author: John. We read 1 John 1:1-10. John tells us that he is sharing what he himself saw and heard and felt, Jesus. And the reason he's sharing Him is because He is life itself... and He will bring us the fullness of joy.

You might think, "But the disciples were all killed horribly." They did all die as martyrs... even John was boiled alive in oil. But the oil had no affect on John, and he ended up dying of old age on the island of Patmos.

But none of the disciples died horrifically. They all died joyfully, giving up their lives for the One who was life itself.

That is a truly great honor.

God, thanks for filling us with so much joy that dying becomes a great adventure.

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