Friday, November 29, 2019

what God hates

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 2 Peter 2:1-22. Peter tells us two things that God "is especially hard" on. One is when people follow their own twisted sexual desires. So you see that this isn't something new. Even 2000 years ago, the church was telling people what sex is for, and people were ignoring them and doing "twisted sexual" things. Peter says that these people are under His judgment.

The other group that He is "hard" on is those who despise authority. People who are proud and arrogant and don't listen to or respect authority. Does that remind you of anyone? It's a little frightening how many kids today treat authority with complete disrespect. And according to Peter, this puts them under God's harsh judgment.

So let's pray for those who do these two things. God is already patiently giving them time to repent and come to their senses. Let's make sure that WE are not doing these things. And let's pray for those who are, that they come back to Him before it's too late.

God, thanks for letting us know what we should NOT be doing. Help us turn from it and follow You.

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