Wednesday, October 2, 2019

working out our salvation

Today in the One Year Bible, we read about Paul's assertion that he counts all of his attempts to obey the law as nothing compared to knowing Jesus. We read this in Philippians 3:5-21.

As in previous blogs, I don't plan to turn this into an argument between Catholic and protestant theology. We both agree that we can't be saved without Jesus. And we both agree that living a life of good "works", such as loving our neighbor and sharing our faith and taking care of the poor, is extremely important. We Catholics would say it's part of our salvation process. Protestants would say it's the result of our salvation. But either way, we all agree that we're "working out our salvation with fear and trembling."

So let's be sure to get in that workout today. You know you need to. You know how much better your life is when you workout - both physically and spiritually.

God, thanks for letting us know how important it is to do Your will. Please help us do it.