Wednesday, October 23, 2019

fan the flame

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 2 Timothy 1:1-18. Paul is writing to Timothy, and he says to "fan the flames of the spiritual gift God gave you."

This is great advice for me and you today. God has given you gifts. You should find what they are (if you haven't already) and then grow them. There are many ways to find your gifts... usually people will tell you what they are. "You have such a great voice!" or "You make me feel so comfortable" or "You're such a great teacher!" That's one way to find your gifts. Also, ask God to show you what they are. He will. He gave you the gifts for a reason, and He wants you to use them.

Then grow your gift. Practice. Do it more and more. At first, it might be hard. If you're a gifted painter, you might still turn out some lousy paintings until you practice enough. Don't stop. Keep practicing. Eventually the thing on the paper will look like the thing in your head.

God, thanks for giving us gifts... help us find them, and fan the flames.