Wednesday, August 14, 2019

God cares about cows and oxen

Today in the One Year Bible, Paul is complaining to the Corinthians that they need to take care of his needs. We read this in 1 Corinthians 9:1-18. And it's a little tedious. But he does say something interesting. He's saying that God commanded in the OT that we not muzzle an ox while it's ploughing, but we should let it graze while it works. And Paul asks, "Was God only concerned about the ox?" And he goes on to say that God WASN'T just thinking about the ox, but also about human workers who need to eat while they're working.

But when we take the last verse of the book of Jonah into consideration, it gives us a better view. The last verse of Jonah says, "Shouldn't I then have pity on Ninevah, the great city, where most of the people can't tell right from wrong... and also lots of cattle?" This also takes us back to Genesis, when God created all of these big goofy creatures (humans) and the oxen and cattle to begin with. And He called them good.

So when we think about big, dumb, goofy cows, and we realize that God cares about them, and THINKS about them, how much more does He think about you? And care about you?

So don't worry. You're worth more to Him than the cattle on a thousand hills.

God, thanks for caring about cows and oxen.