Wednesday, January 23, 2019

patient with the whiners

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Matthew 15:1-28. In this verse, Jesus's disciples are being their usual whiny selves.

They whine alot don't they? "Send the people away to get food," "where should we go? You've got the words of eternal life...", "tell Mary to help! I'm doing all the work!", "Tell us which of us is the greatest, and gets to sit at Your right hand?"

But seldom does Jesus rebuke them for their whining. He is very patient with them, and answers their questions, and addresses their concerns.

That's good news, because you and I whine alot, too. We complain to Him all the time, don't we? Constantly asking Him to do things for us, instead of finding out what's more important: what we can do for Him.

So it's good for us to realize that God is patient with us. He puts up with our whiny questions and demands, and gently teaches us to be better people.

Thanks, God, for teaching us how not to whine, but to trust You for everything.

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