Wednesday, October 31, 2018

whenever He chose

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Hebrews 2:1-18. Paul says that God sent miracles and gave us signs and wonders in order to confirm the message that the apostles gave us. And he says that God did it "whenever He chose."

That's the flip side of the coin that we often forget about. We are (understandably) amazed by the things God does. We see His miracles, and we experience His love, and we are astounded that He does these things. But in our humanity, we sometimes begin to EXPECT Him to do these things. We become like Mary and Martha who told Jesus, "If You had been here, he would not have died." We expect Him to take care of every thing that happens in our lives, to prevent us from pain or suffering. But He's not a tame lion. He isn't at our beck and call. He doesn't ask how high when we say jump.

And that's frustrating sometimes. When we ARE suffering. When life is hard. When we're uncertain, and we just want to know for SURE which is the right way to go, and He's silent.

That's when we have to trust Him. That's when we have to remember the times when He showed us His love, His miracles, His power. We have to trust the sun to come out again, even in the middle of the storm.

God, thank You for being there to trust, even when we can't see You.

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