Wednesday, August 29, 2018

more and more like Him

Today we read from 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 in the One Year Bible. In this passage, Paul says that Jesus makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His image.

That's mostly what life is for, right? What it's all about. Learning to be more and more like Jesus. Learning to be kind, and faithful, and generous, and gentle. Learning to forgive, and to love people far more than we love ourselves.

Do you find yourself struggling to be like that? Well, we all do. But thankfully Paul didn't say, "Jesus expects you to work harder and harder every day to be more like Him." Instead, he said, "Jesus makes us more and more like Him (through the Holy Spirit) as we are change into His image."

Does that mean we can just sit back and wait for Him to change us? No, He expects us to participate. He wants us to take part in our transformation. It is HIM who is making us like Him, but He does it through our actions. So let's pray that our actions conform more to His image every day.

God, thank You for transforming us, and for allowing us to participate in the transformation.

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