Tuesday, June 5, 2018

times of refreshment

Today we hear from Peter about times of refreshment in our reading from the One Year Bible, which is taken from Acts 3:1-26. He tells the religious leaders of his day that they killed the author of life. But then he says that if they will repent of their sins, then "times of refreshment" will flow from God into their lives.

That's pretty powerful, isn't it? He's talking to those who he saw kill Jesus, his friend and his Lord, with whom he lived for three years. In whom he placed his trust as Messiah. And instead of damning them to hell, he offers them forgiveness and times of refreshment. It's an outrageously generous offer.

And God makes the same offer to us. If we will repent of our sins and draw close to Him once more, He will draw close to us. He promises that He will. And when He does, He will bring times of refreshing into our lives.

If there are sins keeping you from Him, repent of them today. Draw close to God. And then see what happens.

God, thank You for Your generosity, which is hard to fathom.

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