Sunday, June 17, 2018

telling the story

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Acts 11:1-30. We hear Peter tell the story of how he came to understand that God was wanting the message of salvation to be told to the gentiles as well as the Jews.

And when we hear Peter tell the story, it sounds just like the account we just read, with all the little details and everything. This brings up the fact that we need to tell our stories. We've discussed how we need to share the works that God is doing in our lives so that others can hear them and benefit from them spiritually.

But there's another reason. Telling the story reminds US, the story tellers, of God's faithfulness and how He has already worked in our lives. Remembering times when He has taken care of us gives us faith and confidence that He will continue to take care of us through whatever we're facing today.

So don't forget to tell your story. It will grow your faith.

God, thank You for giving us stories. Please help us tell them.

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