Monday, April 9, 2018

not man for the Sabbath

Jesus teaches us something important in today's reading from the One Year Bible, found in Luke 13:1-21. He uses "healing on the Sabbath" as the example, but what He teaches us is bigger than that.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus continually put people before rules. The rules exist for the good of the people - it keeps them safe and helps them to live happy, healthy lives. But it's easy for people of a certain temperament to get so fixated on the rules that they forget what they're for. They start to put the rules first, and use the rules to beat down those with whom they disagree.

It's important for us to remember what the purpose of the rules is. We have to make sure that we always keep in mind that the Sabbath was made for man... for our benefit, to keep us happy and healthy... and not man for the Sabbath.

God, thank You for making rules to keep us safe from our own foolishness. Help us to keep that perspective.

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