Sunday, April 15, 2018

and going, they were cleansed

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Luke 17:11-37. It's the story of the ten lepers that are healed by Jesus. And we're familiar with the one who returns to thank Jesus, prompting Him to ask, "Where are the other nine?"

But if we rewind back in the story a little bit, we find something interesting. When the lepers call out to Jesus to be healed, He doesn't just walk over to them and say "Be healed" or touch them. He tells them to go to the priest. And when they obey Him, they are healed.

That's an interesting lesson to take home, isn't it? These men ask God to help them. And in answer, He tells them to go to church. When they take Him at His word, and go to church like He tells them to, they're healed. Today, we call out to Jesus for help, don't we? And He tells us just what He told those lepers - go to church. That's where you'll find your healing. "And going, they were cleansed." And we will be too. When we obey Him, He meets us in that obedience, and gives us what we need.

God, thank You for healing us lepers. Help us to be grateful.