Thursday, March 15, 2018

who is Balaam talking to?

Today we read in the One Year Bible from Numbers 22:21-23:30 and Luke 1:57-80. And we're reading all about the power of words.

First, a king has hired Balaam to curse his enemies. So even there, we see the power of words. Blessings and curses aren't superstition...when you bless someone, it conveys a grace into their life. When you curse them, you're causing spiritual damage to them. So on the way to meet the king, Balaam's donkey sees an angel, and shies away. The donkey sees what Balaam can't, because his sin has blinded him.

Many doubt whether this story is factual, because it features a talking donkey. But if it did happen (I believe it did), it happened the only way it could have: God gave the donkey language. He's been giving donkeys in human form language for thousands of years, and the human donkeys are far less kind in what they say.

And then in Luke, we see Zechariah unable to say a single word until his son is born...and then when he obeys God and says the word "John", he can speak again...and he does so, praising God.

That happens to us, too. When we doubt God, we cut ourselves off from healing words. When we obey Him, we find ourselves able to talk to those around us, back in communion and communication. And we can also praise God.

God, please speak Your healing words into our lives.

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