Sunday, March 4, 2018

trying to be dignant

Today Jesus makes the Pharisees mad in our reading from the One Year Bible. Our selection is from Mark 11:27-12:17. He tells the story of the tenant farmers who beat up the owner's servants and kill them. The Pharisees realize He's talking about them. And at this point, they have a decision to make.

They choose... poorly.

See, they know Jesus is talking about them, right? And He's clearly got power, because He's been healing people and casting out demons right and left. So it would be a good idea for them to listen to what He's saying, and repent of their sins and do the right thing. I think some of them did this... Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea are two that come to mind. But the majority of them chose to become indignant. That's where the title of my blog today comes from. Instead of being indignant when God tells us we're wrong, we should try to be "dignant", and listen to what He's telling us. Not puff up in our pride and insist we're right, but humble ourselves and realize that He's right and we're wrong, and change our ways.

That's not easy. But that's how we get our lives going in the right direction. That's how we enter heaven - by becoming like little children, who listen.

God, thank You for telling us when we're wrong - please help us to be "dignant", and listen.