Tuesday, March 13, 2018

the way God does things

Today's reading is from Luke 1:1-25. We are told the story of Zechariah, who eventually ended up being the father of John the Baptist. And the story reveals the way that God does things, which is not the way we usually do them.

Zechariah was an old man, and he and his wife had pretty much given up on having kids. But then an angel came and said, "Hey Zechariah, you're going to have a son. And he's going to be pretty amazing!"

He tells us things like that today, too. That He's going to take care of us. That things are going to be OK. That He won't let us be overwhelmed with what happens in life. That He'll be our strength. And, like Zechariah, we have to have faith. We have to trust Him to be there for us. And if we have faith, and are patient, we'll see the fulfillment of His promise.

Just like Zechariah.

God, thanks for teaching us how You work. Please help us wait for You.