Wednesday, January 24, 2018

the power of words

CLICK HERE for the OT reading for today, and CLICK HERE for the NT reading.

Today in all of our readings we hear about the power of words. In the OT reading, Jacob blesses his descendants. He is very specific in what will happen to them, and the blessing is taken very seriously. In the NT reading, Jesus teaches His disciples about the "leaven" of the Pharisees and Saducees, which is false teaching or "words" that cause great problems when they're followed. And in the Psalms, we hear about the Psalmist speaking words of blessing. "May the Lord answer your cry", it begins, and then there follow several statements that begin with "may". It's a blessing, made up of words that speak good things into the life of the hearer.

And then! In the Proverbs, the writer says to listen carefully to his words, and let them penetrate deep into our hearts.

Words are powerful. God spoke, and created the universe. Jesus spoke, and healed people and raised people from the dead. We speak, and good or evil happens in the lives of those we speak to. Maybe not miraculously (though that's possible, too). But speaking words of wisdom into the lives of our friends. Giving them the truth, which we know will set them free. Speaking words of love and kindness into lives that desperately need to hear them.

That's what we SHOULD do with our words. Conversely, we need to be careful what we DON'T do with them. We must be careful not to curse. Not to lie. Not to slander. Not to gossip. Use our words to build people up, not to tear them down.

Your words are powerful. Use them wisely.

God, thank You for the great responsibility of our words. Help us to speak in such a way as to bring You into the lives of our listeners.

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