Saturday, December 30, 2017

getting ready

Well, we finished up with A Year with the Church Fathers a little early. I guess it was the Julian calendar or something. :) Or maybe I accidentally skipped a couple days somewhere along the way. In any case, we will be starting the One Year Bible the day after tomorrow. The plan is, I'll record the Bible reading as a video each day, and then write a brief devotional thought in my blog here. I hope you follow along.

In the meantime, the list above gives us some food for thought. What will we decide to make of next  year? Keeping in mind that the Bible tells us to "rejoice in the Lord always" and to think about "whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, or of good report." So fix our minds on good things, and stop dwelling on the negative. Easier said than done, right? But with God all things are possible.

Let's commit 2018 to growing closer to Him by fixing our minds on the good, and letting Him take care of the things that try to distract us.

God, we commit 2018 to You. Please draw us closer to Yourself, and teach us how to think about what is good.