Sunday, November 6, 2016


Lewis says one of my favorite quotes today in A Year with C.S. Lewis.

And the context gives us so much wisdom. He is discussing science again (or still, from yesterday's reading). He says that science doesn't contain religion. Science doesn't even explain science. What does he mean by that?

Well, science tells us how things happen. It tells us WHAT happens. But it doesn't tell us WHY anything happens. In fact, you can't even answer the question "Why is science important?" with a scientific answer. Once you start asking why questions, you venture out of science and into philosophy and theology.

Lewis points out that when you're awake, you can account for your dream. But while you're dreaming, you can't account for your waking life. The same, he says, is true of science and faith. Faith allows us to have science. It contains it. From a faith viewpoint, you can believe that science is useful and worthwhile.

But from a scientism viewpoint, faith has no place. Faith is foolishness. It is useless and silly and outdated. As Lewis says, one contains the other, but not vice versa.

The beautiful image of the rising sun, both visible itself and illuminating everything else, is a wonderful metaphor for our faith. It's also a great metaphor for God Himself. We experience Him directly, and He is blinding. If we try to look right at Him, we might die (as Moses tried to, and only got to see His back). It's interesting to note that when we die, we see God. And when we see God, we die. It's as though our mortal bodies simply aren't strong enough to withstand such amazing beauty. It undoes us.

God, please help us to experience as much of You as we can for now... and we look forward to the day when we see You face to face.