Thursday, November 3, 2016

complementary, dear Watson

Lewis talks about the scientific world view today in A Year with C.S. Lewis.

He says that the modern thinking that order came from chaos is nonsense. That we observe entropy when we study the universe, and there is no reason to think that entropy didn't happen to work in the case of the Earth and its occupants.

I recently heard a very good preacher talk about the relationship between faith and science. He said that science is very important for asking certain types of questions. But that faith is about relationships. And no one in their right mind (not even Sheldon Cooper) would approach a relationship from a scientific viewpoint. You wouldn't experiment on your beloved and form hypotheses that you test on them. You wouldn't quantify their declarations of love, or try to measure how much passion they have.

That's how our relationship with God is so very different from the scientific way we approach our physical world. God is love. We can't measure Him or control Him or test Him or force Him to do things. He acts in our world, in our lives, because He loves us. When you turn your microscope, or your telescope, on Him, you will find yourself looking for the wrong things. Like doing a literary critical analysis on a love letter.

Science and faith go hand in hand. They answer different questions, and they answer them well. The problems come when we try to use one of them to answer the wrong questions. When we answer science questions with faith, we end up handling snakes. When we answer faith questions with science, we find ourselves staring into darkness.

God, thanks for giving us both faith and science to see our world with.