Lewis gives us a refreshing truth today in A Year with C.S. Lewis.
He tells us, in a roundabout way through the words of Screwtape the demon, that the time we have in our lives does not belong to us. We don't "own" the hours of our day. We've been given the gift of our lives... and we are expected to do with those hours things that please Him.
That doesn't mean that our lives will be filled with boring drudgery and duty. God is so gracious that He not only gives us our lives and the work for us to do (also a blessing), but He gives us the desire to do it. He calls us to do the very thing He wants us to, and places within our hearts a desire to do it.
Maybe you find yourself thinking "I don't really find myself with a deep desire to do my work. I'd rather do something else."
That's a good, honest thought. And there are two things to do regarding that thought. One is to ask yourself if you're doing what you think God is calling you to. Just because you're working in a job making money doesn't mean you're where He wants you to be. Seek out His will for your life. Ask Him to take you where He wants you. And then start exploring your options. You might be surprised - and greatly pleased - where you land.
The other thing to do is ... you guessed it... ask. Ask God to give you the desire to do your work. Even if you're not where He wants you in this moment, He can still give you the desire to do your work well. His joy is your strength. And then if He leads you to a different type of work, so much the better. But no matter what you find your hand doing, do it like you're doing it for Him. It makes a big difference.
But the most liberating thing about Lewis's words is that it frees us. We don't have to go around feeling like our possession - our time - is being stolen from us. We begin to see that the time of each day is a gift He's given us, to enjoy and to fill with His presence, His love, and with helping other people.
God, help us to see our lives as the gifts that they are.
It is so true when you totally submit that the time given to us on this earth is not our own but loan to us by our Heavenly Papa to do His work it changes everything. We are not our own and it totally free one up to finally relax and be free of any pressure knowing God is assignment is more important than our on agenda. That is a life living in FREEDOM!
It is so true when you totally submit that the time given to us on this earth is not our own but loan to us by our Heavenly Papa to do His work it changes everything. We are not our own and it totally free one up to finally relax and be free of any pressure knowing God is assignment is more important than our on agenda. That is a life living in FREEDOM!
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