Lewis brings up a very important concept today in A Year with C.S. Lewis.
He talks about what we would do if we saw our lives as the gifts that they are. That we would be happy to sit and listen to the ramblings of an annoying old lady for hours, if we realized that we were on "borrowed time".
And that brings to mind Jesus's admonition - what we do for the least of our brothers and sisters, we do for Him.
Have you thought about the people in prison with no one to visit them? What about your local nursing home? Lots of wonderful people there needing someone to talk to. Or your local hospital? Have you thought about visiting some sick people and making their pain more bearable?
I know these are all things I need to do more. Let's pray that God opens some doors (literally, and also the doors of our hearts) to reach out to the least of these our brothers and sisters.
Thank You, God, for the opportunity to minister to You, finding You here and there in our lives, waiting for us to care.
I am truly enjoying your blog with all your C.S. Lewis items. Because they are truly challenging and if Christian's need to truly start walking the way Jesus walked. No one would lack.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society does great things to help those in need. Being a Vincentian has changed me in a way that I can't describe.
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