Friday, December 18, 2015


Today's readings: Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Revelation 9:1-21, Proverbs 30:10

The pic I posted is from 2013. The OT reading is from over 2000 years ago. We tend to think that the world is "getting worse every day" and that "this is the worst it's ever been", but the truth is there is a mix of good and evil in every generation.

Every generation has its challenges. All of us have our triumphs. Like Gandalf says, it is only up to us what we do with the time that we're given.

What will you do with yours? How will you advance the cause of good and thwart the tide of evil in YOUR generation? That question might seem overwhelming. If so, you probably know what I'm going to say to do. Pray. Ask God to show you what part YOU can play in making the world a better place. What YOU do makes a difference. You can change the world.

What part will you play?

Thank You, God, for working in every generation to redeem the wonderful creation you've made.


HappyGrama said...

I have sought to serve the Lord through the years, sometimes wondering if I was hearing Him correctly. There were some really obvious things like my primary vocations of wife and mother, teaching kids about God,serving at a crisis pregnancy center, and sharing my faith. I deeply felt the Lord calling me to serve the poor, and my husband and I gave whatever we could to missions and shelters. But the greatest job He has given me (in addition to my main vocations of wife and mother) has been to be a part of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We make home visits to those who call upon us for help in their crisis situations. It is never easy, but it is always deeply rewarding. It leaves no question in my mind about what God wants of me at this time in my life. It definitely takes opening your heart and keeping prayer as a priority. Oh, yes, He definitely has a message if you are listening.

Julie said...

My greatest job has been the most humbling. When I go to feed the homeless at Valley Restart and I experience the joy I receive from the people as they are so thankful for us helping them. I am always blessed by going to help them. It is so awesome.