Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 - a year with CS Lewis


For 2016, I have decided to spend the year with my favorite author, C.S. Lewis.

You are welcome to join me! You can get the e-book for only $2.99 from Barnes & Noble, and read it on your home computer, smart phone, or tablet of any kind. Just get the NOOK app.

Or you can do it the old fashioned way and get the paper version from your local bookstore.

In any case, I will be reading and posting my reflections each day. If you would like to be added to my daily blog group on FB so that you get notifications each time I post, just comment below or on the FB link where you saw this. If you are on Google+, just watch each day for my blog, or follow my blog if you'd like. It's at

Hope you'll join me as I spend the year with C.S. Lewis. :)