Wednesday, February 11, 2015


today's readings: Exodus 32:1-33:23, Matt 26:69-27:14, Psalm 33:1-11, Prov 8:33-36

the thing that stood out to me from today's readings was Jesus being silent before His accusers. if only aaron had had the sense to be silent before moses, instead of saying "I threw the gold in the fire, and this calf popped out!"

how much do I need to learn from Jesus's example? too often I'm like aaron, putting my foot in my mouth by not knowing when to shut up.

please, Lord, give me wisdom to speak when I should, and to keep silent the rest of the time.


Julie said...

Right on, I think maybe you inherited the foot in the mouth from someone. Quite often this voice in my head says, Julie shut up....that doesn't mean I listen. When. I read again what Aaron's story was I laughed. It reminded me of the big dog sitting on the ripped to shreads sofa. The caption was, " I was just sitting here and the darn thing exploded." Lord, help me to not be the dog sitting on the sofa with such a story.

Laurie said...

I might as well change my name to Aaron! seriously! I think I broke every confidentiality rule in education last week. Wouldn't have happened if I hadn't sent an email! Which to me is the same as speaking. If I had only kept me mouth shut I wouldn't have had a problem!

Laurie said...

I might as well change npmt name to Aaron! seriously! I think I broke every confidentiality rule in education last week. Wouldn't have happened if I hadn't sent an email! Which to me is the same as speaking. If I had only kept me mouth shut I wouldn't have had a problem!

Unknown said...

Let my words be few!