Saturday, February 14, 2015

He is risen

today's readings: Exodus 37:-38:31, Matt 28:1-20, Psalm 34:11-22, Proverbs 9:9-10

today we read about the resurrection. the basic tenant of our faith as Christians, it can still be difficult to wrap our brains around. death seems to final. we don't SEE people rise from the dead, most of us EVER, in our lifetime. so it takes faith to believe in what He tells us.

even the disciples doubted... though they saw Him risen with their own eyes. they literally couldn't believe what they were seeing.

it's natural to struggle with our faith. it wouldn't be as valuable if we didn't have to choose it, and we can only choose it if there are other options. if we find ourselves having a great deal of difficulty believing, let us pray with the one from the NT that said "Lord I believe! Help my unbelief!"

and He will.

God, please make the truth of Your resurrection a reality in my life today.


Julie said...

As we move into Lent this upcoming week, the importance of these verses is just as relevant to us as the amazing times that the disciples shared with us Lord to focus on You and our faith in You as we go through the life You gave us by giving yourself as a redemption for our sins. I love you Lord.

Unknown said...

Without the resurrection, we are all lost forever.