Tuesday, February 13, 2024

multiple witnesses

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 27:32-66. We read an account of the crucifixion. And it's interesting that it doesn't EXACTLY agree with the other accounts in the gospels. Matthew's account says Jesus cried out just before He died, but doesn't tell us what He said. Then it says that both thieves ridiculed Him, rather than just one like the other accounts tell us.

This is interesting because it's what you'd expect when several people tell you a story of something they saw. "He shouted, but I didn't hear what He said. Oh yeah, that's right. And then the thieves made fun of Him... wait, you say just one did? That's right! I forgot about that..." Some people see these differences as proof that the gospel accounts aren't true, but the overall agreement with occasional differences is exactly what you'd expect from true accounts from various sources.

What does that have to do with us today? Share YOUR story of what God has done for you. Don't feel that your story needs to be exactly like what another person says about their relationship with God. Be genuine and share your experiences, and God will speak through you and help people find Him. 

God, thanks for giving us our own experience of You. Help us to share You through our own relationship with You. 

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