Friday, April 22, 2022

Really Trusting God: One Year Bible Reading for April 22

Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Joshua 24:1-33
Luke 21:1-28
Psalm 89:38-52
Proverbs 13:20-23

Let's look at the Psalm. It's a sad one. The Psalmist feels rejected by both God and man. He is lamenting that God seems far away and He's letting people beat up on him.

We've all felt that way, haven't we? Like... where is God? Why doesn't He end this suffering and take care of me? But there are two things to remember here. One is what the Psalmist says, "Praise be the Lord forever, amen and amen!" Even in the middle of his suffering, feeling a million miles away from God, he still praises Him. He still trusts Him and knows that He is working everything for his good, even the tough stuff.

Especially the tough stuff!

I had a good conversation with a friend tonight and we talked about the second thing. The second thing is that all of us will be full containers in heaven. We will all be cups full of water. Some of us will be tiny little cups, perfectly happy with our little bit of water. Some of us will be huge vats holding gallons and gallons of water. All of us full, but some of us deeper than others. And suffering is how God makes us bigger in this lifetime so that we can hold more "water" (joy) in heaven. So rejoice when you suffer now - that's how much greater your joy will be in heaven.

God, thanks for teaching us to trust You, even in the hard times.

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