Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The No Nothings: Today's One Year Bible reading January 10

 Today in the One Year Bible, we read from:

Genesis 24:52-26:16
Matthew 8:18-34
Psalm 10:1-15
Proverbs 3:7-8

And the writer of Proverbs agrees with Socrates here. "Do not be wise in your own eyes," the proverb says. Socrates said something very similar: that the one thing he knew for sure is that he knew nothing. Other "wise" men thought they knew things, but they were wrong. And they didn't even KNOW that they knew nothing. Socrates was wiser than they were only because he was aware that he knew nothing.

Now, we don't want to take this literally. Obviously we can know things. But we need to remain humble in our knowledge. The smartest people on the planet will tell you that there is SO MUCH they don't know (and usually want to learn!) The dumbest people on the planet think they know everything and can't be taught. You probably know people like that?

So let's take the advice of the Proverbs writer and of Socrates and realize that there is so much we don't know, and we need to remain humble and teachable. 

God, thanks for teaching us great wisdom, and keeping us humble while we learn it.

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