Thursday, January 13, 2022

The House of God: Today's Reading from the One Year Bible January 13

 Today we read the following passages in the One Year Bible:

Genesis 28:1-29:35
Matthew 9:18-38
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 3:11-12

And it's the passage from Genesis that jumps out at me. Jacob is sleeping with a rock for his pillow. And God appears to him and makes him some amazing promises. When Jacob awakes, he says, "This is the house of God, even though I didn't realize it when I went to sleep." So he names the place Bethel, which means "house of God". Beth means house in Hebrew, like Bethlehem means house of bread. And the -el ending means "of God". That's why the names Daniel, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Michael, and many others end in -el. They all mean something "of God." 

So Jacob just ran into God as he was traveling. But it doesn't have to be so haphazard. You can invite God to come speak to you today. He WANTS to speak truth and love and beauty into your life. Just ask Him to. You might not see a result right away, since God moves at His own pace even though we usually run ahead of Him. But you WILL see an answer, because He will always say yes to that prayer. 

God, thanks for showing us how to make even our little homes into Bethel.

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