Saturday, May 22, 2021

St Cristobal Magallanes and Companions: May His Blood Bring Peace to Mexico

 Today we celebrate an amazing priest and martyr. We read about St Cristobal Magallanes and his companions in the book In Caelo et in Terra. He lived during the time in Mexico when the government tried very hard to destroy Catholicism. He built a seminary underground and provided the sacraments to anyone who asked, keeping off the government's radar for years. Finally they caught him and shot to death without a trial. He prayed for his executioners and said that he hoped and prayed that his blood would bring peace to "our divided Mexico."

You can read more about him here.

All of us will die one day. How do you want your death to bring you closer to God? How would you like it to help others?

God, thanks for this brave man who laid down his life for You, just as You did for him. St Cristobal Magallanes, pray for us.

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