Wednesday, October 10, 2018

remain and stand firm

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13. Paul says that he was worried that the believers in Thessalonica might have lost their faith when they were attacked by the enemy. But he was overjoyed to hear that they had stood fast... hung on to their faith, even in the face of spiritual attacks.

That's a theme that runs through the whole new testament. Jesus told us to remain in Him, and He in us. That when we are in Him, we can do anything. Nothing is impossible with God, He reminded us. But that "apart from Me, you can do nothing."

Jesus and Paul both commended their listeners to stand firm to the end. To run the race. To fight the good fight. To endure until the end. It seems that both of them knew that we would face huge challenges. And that standing firm in our faith while we face that onslaught was important.

So don't be weary in doing good. Keep on keeping on. We're in this marathon, and we need to make sure we realize that. Not treat it like a sprint, but pace ourselves and stay hydrated (on the living water) and run this race to win it.

God, thanks for reminding us that we will have to hang on to make it through... but with You, nothing is impossible.