Friday, July 20, 2018

no longer slaves

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Romans 6:1-23. And in that passage, we read the great news that we're no longer slaves to sin. We've been set free from our sins, to live in freedom. How many of us are living in that freedom? If you are, I'm really happy for you. That's awesome. Keep it up! If you're like me, though, you struggle with sin. You don't always find yourself blessing those who cut you off in traffic. You don't always have the nicest thought toward people who say mean things to you at work. You don't always give like you should to the poor, or to your church. You don't always take care of those widows and orphans, as the Bible tells us constitutes "true religion."

But the passage has some good advice for us. "So don't let sin control the way you live." God has called us to live amazing lives, full of goodness and truth and love. When we sin, we rob ourselves of that joy. We steal that goodness and truth and love from ourselves. So let's ask God, who alone is able to free us from the yoke of sin, to lead us into a life of holiness. Let's humbly place our sins before Him, and ask His help in taking them away. And leading us down the path of righteousness, where we'll find the deepest of joys.

God, thank You for freeing us from sin... again and again.