Thursday, June 14, 2018

sharing our miracles

Today in our reading from the One Year Bible, we experience Acts 9:26-43. And in that reading, we see Peter heal a man who had been crippled for years, and due to this miracle, many became Christians. The man eventually died, so the healing wasn't just to help him get well. Later in the story, Peter raises a young woman from the dead. Once again, she eventually died, too. But due to this healing, many people joined the faith.

You may not have healed anyone or raised anyone from the dead. But God has done things in your life, too. And while He did these things for you because He loves you, He also did them so you would share them with others, so they might grow in their faith, and maybe some of them might become Christians.

God didn't give us these stories to keep quiet about them. He worked in our lives so that we would share it with others, and help them grow closer to God, too. So you might want to think about what God has done for you, and then be sure to share those stories with people in your life who need to hear it.

Let's not be selfish with our miracles.

God, thank You for working in our lives. Please help us share those stories with those who need to hear it.

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