Saturday, January 13, 2018

Jesus proves it

I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm dealing with round two of being under the weather. I'm hoping that Vitamin C and rest will get me over this quickly. But I'm feeling too sick to record. I hope to get caught up tomorrow.

In the meantime, we read about Jesus proving something today. That might sound odd. I mean, God wants us to have faith, right? Isn't it kind of contrary to the idea of faith to prove something is true? Hebrews defines faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see. That seems to be the opposite of proof, right?

But God knows we're human, and what that means. He knows that our little mustard seeds need some water and sunlight to grow. And so He gives us signs and wonders.

In today's gospel, He forgives a man's sins. The religious leaders accuse Him of blasphemy (which is funny in retrospect... how can God blaspheme?) and say that only God can forgive sins. So Jesus says, "OK, I'll prove it to you. I'll cure his illness, showing you that I also have the authority to forgive sins." And of course, He then does just that.

What are you struggling to believe today? What promises of His do you have a hard time accepting? What aspect of His love is still finding its way into your heart?

Ask Him to help you out. To give you a little assistance, so your faith can grow. He wants your faith to grow. Ask - and then wait and see what He does.

God, thank You for helping our little seeds to grow.