Wednesday, December 13, 2017

turning away wrath

St Ephrem talks to us today in A Year with the Church Fathers. He talks about a time when a Pharisee came to Jesus and questioned His teachings. Jesus gave him truth, and said it in a gentle, kind way that enabled the Pharisee to accept it.

We run into this every day on the internet, don't we? We find people who question our views. Who attack us for what we believe. And how we answer them can make a huge difference in their lives.

It's easy to respond in anger, and to be honest, if I reply to FB comments first thing in the morning, that's the tone my replies unfortunately take. But once I've had some caffeine and have woken up and gotten some joy in my heart :) I try to respond in a more gentle, kind manner. I'm not always successful, and I do use the block feature on FB when necessary. But it amazes me how often the person I'm arguing with begins to start "liking" my replies, and we end up being FB friends.

The Psalmist wrote that a gentle answer turns away wrath, and it's still true today on the interwebs. Let's all try to answer kindly. You'll be amazed what happens.

God, thanks for teaching us timeless truths.