Monday, November 13, 2017

what we were made for

St Hilary of Poitiers (no relation) speaks to us today in A Year with the Church Fathers. St Hilary says that God created us for greatness. That He made us in His image, and that we should strive to live the higher life that He created us for, rather than live like the animals He made before us.

How can we strive for that? Well, God created us to be unique. He made each of us different from each other, even identical twins. He gifted each of us with certain abilities, and the closer we get to Him, and the holier we live our lives (which isn't easy, of course), the more we will find those abilities and live the incredible lives He made us for.

The more we squander our time on things that don't matter (making more and more money to spend on more and more things that we don't need or even want, wasting hours and hours looking at things on the internet that aren't good for us, worrying about what MIGHT happen in the future instead of trusting Him, regretting things we've done in the past instead of letting them go and forgiving ourselves, holding on to grudges and hate and prejudice instead of learning to be set free by forgiveness and love), the less we get to be the amazing people He created us to be.

Let's set aside all of those stupid things that weigh us down, and become the amazing people He created us to be. Let's seek His face... and in doing so, find our own.

God, thank You for showing us that You've made us for higher things. Help us to strive.

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