Friday, July 7, 2017

finding rest in Him

Jacob of Serugh talks to us today about resting in A Year with the Church Fathers. He is talking about finding rest in the mass. But the rest he describes is bigger than that. It's the rest we find in God Himself.

When we come to God, we can leave behind the cares of the world. We can stop striving to be perfect. We can leave the expectations of work and family behind as we rest in His presence. Yes, we'll pick up some of those responsibilities when we leave. But for the time being, we can simply rest in Him. We can be strengthened by His food. We can find courage in His breath. He will revitalize us. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Come to Him, all of you who are weary and heavy laden, and He will give you rest.

God, thank You for being there for us to run to when we need rest.