Saturday, January 7, 2017

immersed in His love

Thomas Keating talks about realizing God's presence in our lives today in A Daily Reader for Contemplative Living.

He says that we have to learn that He is working all around us and in us already. That it is really the THOUGHT of being separated from Him that separates us from Him. It brings to mind the concept that the only thing to fear is fear itself. And those two things are closely related, as being full of Him brings us love, whereas being away from Him fills us with fear.

When you consider Jesus's words, which are quoted at the beginning of today's reading, you realize that Jesus says "REMAIN in Me." He doesn't say "Move into Me" or "Start living in Me." Remaining means that we started there. We need to rest in Him... wait on Him... be still and know that He is God. So many of the things we're taught throughout the Bible resonate with this. "Do not be afraid", we're told 365 times. "If you remain in Me, and I remain in you, you will bear much fruit".

So the take home message today (and we'll see this going forward this year) is to turn our face to His. To realize that He is here, RIGHT HERE, closer to us than our own breath. And that we only have to let go of our fear, release the thought of being separated from Him, and allow Him to permeate all that we do and say.

Lord Jesus, come quickly.