Thursday, December 1, 2016

Preparing for next year - what we will be reading next!

Hello friends! We are in the final month of our year with C.S. Lewis. It's been great, hasn't it?

But when January 1st gets here, we'll need a new book to read through together. After some prayerful consideration, I have landed on The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living by Thomas Keating. Keating is a Cistercian monk, and his book is written to be a very ecumenical introduction to contemplative prayer.

What that means in English is that Keating is a Catholic religious who appeals to Christians from all backgrounds, and teaches them how to practice prayer that focuses our minds on God throughout our day. You can read the first several pages for free at

Even if you decide not to buy and read the book, you are of course welcome to join me for my reflection on the book each day. I will share the Bible reference, so you can read that much if you'd like.

Anyway, I'm excited about our next adventure together. Hope you are too!

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