Wednesday, August 5, 2015

synergy - the highest conversation

Today's readings:Ezra 1:1-2:70, 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5, Psalm 27:7-14, Proverbs 20:22-23

God is speaking very clearly in today's readings. And that's appropriate, because today's readings are about God speaking.

You see, we are invited throughout our entire lives to participate in an amazing conversation. Allow me to explain.

Have you ever synergized? This is when you contribute an idea, and someone else throws out a response to your idea, and then another person builds on that... and then you jump in again... and the results of your time together are far more than any of you could possibly have done alone? That's synergy.

Well, on my prayer walk tonight, I was talking to God about how I look forward to having those kind of synergistic conversations with my wife one day. And then I also realized that He calls us into that kind of synergistic conversation with Him, every day. And the main focus of that conversation looks like the picture above - His loving us, and our loving Him back, and His loving us, and so forth. Love building on love.

And then I came home and read today's readings... and wow. It's all up in the readings! In Ezra, God prompts several people. He "stirs their heart", in the words of the NLT. He basically CALLS them to do certain things. And they respond. And they do amazing things in response to His calling.

If you've read the Chronicles of Narnia, you might be reminded of the story where Pole and Eustace go to Narnia, and they stumble on Aslan, and He says that He has called them for a mission. And Pole says that there must be some mistake, because they weren't called to come, they actually tried to come on their own. And Aslan says that they would not have called to Him if He hadn't first called them.

And then we come to the Psalm, and what does the Psalmist say? "Hear me as I pray... my heart has heard you say 'Come and talk with me.' And my heart responds, 'Lord, I am coming.'" How amazing is that??

Now, you might ask yourself "When have **I** ever heard God calling me?"

Well, He has. But more importantly, He is. Right now. This is God stirring your heart. This is God saying "Come and talk with me." This is Aslan calling you to Narnia. Will you respond? Will you synergize? He's got something to tell you, and it's just for you. Just listen.

If He doesn't seem to speak right away... keep listening. And take to heart the last words of the Psalm today: "Wait patiently for the LORD, Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD."

I PROMISE you... He will speak. Just listen.

Thank You, God, for calling us to talk with You.


Marcia Tapp said...

I needed this tonight. Thank you.

Julie said...

Amazing post today Jeff, He was speaking to all of us thru you.

SG said...
