Tuesday, June 2, 2015

my calling

today's readings: 2 Sam 19:11-20:13, John 21:1-25, Psalm 120:1-7, Proverbs 16:16-17

the Gospel today is one of my favorites. mostly because it was where i first found out what God is calling me to do in my life. see, it went like this...

when i was a Jesuit novice, we did this cool thing called the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. we did these exercises during a 30 day silent retreat. on this retreat, we practiced what is called lectio divina, where we read a passage of Scripture and put ourselves, with our imagination, into the story. we watch as Jesus does things, and then in our imagination we interact with Him.

the cool thing about this is that it's a prayer. so while i'm imagining Jesus on the beach, cooking the fish, and me and the other disciples coming to talk to Him... He's actually with me, in real life, as i practice this prayer, and speaks to me.

well, after the events of the Gospel, Jesus and i took a walk down the beach. i asked Him tons of questions. and He answered all of them. it was amazing. one of the things i asked Him was what i should do with my life. and what He said surprised me.

He said that He was calling me to write. i thought He might call me to teach, but He said my main calling is to be a writer. so i've started practicing writing.

but He has a calling for each of us. what is your calling?

thank You, God, for calling me to use my talents, and not waste them.