Sunday, January 4, 2015

His Kingdom Come

this week's readings are Genesis 8:1 - 10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, and Proverbs 1:20-23

wisdom cries out to us in today's reading. wisdom begs us to sit and listen, and become wise. let's listen to her, and focus on the words of today's readings, and let them seep into our hearts, and make us wise.

from the OT, we see God's faithfulness again. the first words are "Then God remembered..." and it reminds us that He remembers us, too. He remembers you. That's profound. He is thinking about you right now. You are no stranger to God. He knows everything about you - your favorite color, your food preferences... even how many hairs are on your head - things you don't even know about yourself!

God remembered Noah, and had mercy on all of us people who would follow after Noah. He made a promise not to flood the world ever again. His rainbow reminds us of that promise.

In the NT, we see some exciting things. Jesus is telling everyone to repent and be baptized, because His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, is about to begin! And then to show everyone what kind of Kingdom He was beginning, He starts healing people left and right. He wants us to be healed... to be healthy and whole. Not just our bodies, but our minds, our emotions, every part of us. He longs to heal us and make us whole. Some of us won't see the perfect healing of our bodies until we see our resurrected bodies. But sooner or later, all of us will.

Let's prepare our hearts for His kingdom. And let's pray - Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth (in my life... in my my relationships) as it is in Heaven.

1 comment:

Julie said...

So many times we want God on our terms, God just wants us to believe and turn to Him so that we can, like Noah be the person God wants us to be. God please believe me when I say, I love you and want to be part of your holy family.